Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's all about the effort

Week 4 Thursday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I had to fight the urge to sleep in, especially since I decided to stay up past 1am to play on my computer, but it wasn't reason enough to miss my workout so I'm proud  to say that I accomplished the At Home Workout by bodyrock. It also helped by having being prepared and having a print out of the exercises so I didn't have to mess with the internet.   Saves LOADS of time.

I did forgot to warm up beforehand and afterward didn't have enough time for a run or the Yoga for Abs routine  I was hoping that after my plans this evening I would be able to run along River Front, but I managed to forget my shoes so not sure how the night will pan out now.  Though I could still do the Yoga for Abs workout when I arrive home.

* At Home Workout: 10 minute Bodyrock interval workout
* Yoga For Abs: 10 minute video

I didn't have a major sweat session with this routine, but it was definitely a challenge to perform  each exercise correctly and with muscle intent.
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I realized on the 2nd round of Santana Plank that I wasn't performing them correctly.  I forgot to twist my feet so my whole body was rotating versus just my upper body and arm.  The Diagonal Plank Jump was pretty killer to and I could have been more intentional using my ab muscles.

The step ups didn't seem hard until I switched legs and then I also made sure once I pulled the other knee up that it was slow as well as slow stepping back to the floor.

The duck under was the easiest to perform & even a little fun :)  The side to side push-ups, wow, were super duper hard for me, but I stuck it out without modification.


The weather was so nice after work I just couldn't resist heading out for a walk before my evening event.  As I was gathering my gear I realized  I had forgotten my shoes at home and so the only options I had available were a pair wedge flip flops that I wore to work and a pair of plaid slips ons with no support.  I ended up choosing the no support plaids, because I've attempted to walk in my wedges and it was a very unpleasant experience, however, this wasn't that much different of an experience.  Even with a pair of athletic extra cushioned socks to help cushion my feet it still wasn't enough and 30 minutes in my heels were feeling very distressed making me walk in the grass on my way back.  I felt a little silly wearing those shoes and having my armband and tunes on, but even more since I decided not to change out of my blue jeans.  I honestly didn't think I would be very sweaty, because it was very cool outside and even though I didn't have a major sweat session it was enough to create a layer of grossness and a regret of not making the quick wardrobe change. 

Before leaving for my evening event I put on a pair of workout pants that I didn't realize I had with me so my legs could breath and hopefully eliminate some of the grossness.  Though I should have changed my shirt to, but I thought I was heading home afterward and instead headed out to the bowling alley with the boys.  One of my guys is turning 25 tomorrow and I'm unable to attend the party since I'll be halfway to Huntingdon before it starts so I thought it was best to head out tonight so I could see him and wish him a Happy Birthday.  

daily affirmation
I am exactly where I need to be, right in this moment

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daily goals:
* Bed by 10pm
* Read
* Repeat the daily affirmations
* log all eats and daily workout
* Review tomorrows workout: Fierce Friday by Bodyrock

blogs to recommend:
* Ola Fitness
* Get Regimental

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