Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 3 Wednesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
This morning was a time challenge w the option to use a sandbag.  since I'm only beginning the bodyrock workouts I've not yet invested in any of the equipment, but I love that Zuzana gives you modification's so you still finish strong, yet it was definitely a challenge.

warm up: 5-min run
6:17 min (0.57mi) 70 cal

* Sexy Body Breakdown by Bodyrock.
   View Daily Workout

Rounds Suggested: 10
Rounds Completed: 8

Backward Lunge Knee 12-15 reps
Dynamic squat: 12 reps
Dynamic push-up (had to do modified): 8-12 reps

Total Time: 15:15:90

Cool Down Walk + stretching:
11:49 min (0.69mi) 62 cal

* After rep 8 on the Backward lunge knee as I had to regroup my balance.
* The dynamic pushups were more advanced, so I simply did modified pushups
* I was definitely pretty tired after the end of this routine
* The dynamic squats were my favorite exercise in this routine.

I love the way working out makes me feel!


What's your favorite exercises or routine?  How does it make your feel when you've finished?

daily affirmation
I am a sexy, hot, radiant god/dess!

View Daily Eats

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: REST DAY. 15-min of favorite poses
* in bed by 9:45pm and lights out by 10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on.  Minus the extra coffee at Job #2

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