Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a rush worth repeating

Week 4 Tuesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I was doing okay with time this morning, until I started to review today's workout and it took me a few minutes to long to adjust to the exercises and instead of heading to the shower afterward  I decided to go for a 10-minute run.

I really liked the crab toe touch.  It was  a bit of a challenge and you could feel it working your abs.  The dive bomber was something I was unable to do and performed modified push-ups, though now that I think of it; should have subbed cobra into downward dog- next time.  I also messed up on the timer aspect so I only performed 2 rounds instead of 4. 
SCORE: Crab Toe Touch: Mod-Push Ups:
  15/20 9/10

I performed a normal lunge and nixed the jump and the mountain climbers I'm used to.  Man this was pretty intense and wow did my legs hate me about 2 rounds into this combo. 
SCORE:Lunge: Mountain Climber:
  4/4/4/4 10/10/8/8

This set proved a bit of a challenge and needed some modification for the one-leg hot attack.  I performed a normal squat with a assisted (stairs) pike pres and the thigh shrinker exercise was easy to focus on your intensity in so you could really feel it in your abs and thighs.
SCORE: Squat w Asst.: Thigh Shrinker:
  10/10/10/8 9/10/9/10

Around the block: 1.06 miles

City Island Bridge to Kelker st and back: 2.93 miles

The weather was beckoning me to run and I was glad to sneak out before the sun set, because it felt amazing and my flow was set on.  My first mile only took me 9:48 and my second 9:32, which is a huge improvement.   Not sure if it's because of the bodyrock workouts or just a sugar rush from the small piece of red velvet cake I had prior to my run.  Either way I would love to duplicate that rush again and again and again! 

What's your favorite food that fuels you for a run?

* Hot attack Workout: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout
* Strong Core Yoga: 8 minute video
* yoga for bedtime routine just 3 minutes just before bed

View Daily Workout

daily affirmation
Thank you, beautiful body, for carrying me through each day 

View Daily Eats

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: rest day
* in bed by 10:30pm and lights out by 11:10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on minus the small piece of red velvet cake.

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