Wednesday, August 31, 2011

inspiration on the wall

Week 4 Wednesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I totally bailed on the the burpees are forever workout today and decided to sleep in.  I should have gotten up, but I was glad to get the rest especially after my run last night.  It was pretty late when I got to bed and was just feeling really drained from all the stress. 

* Burpees are Forever: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout (Monday's routine)
* 30 minute brisk walk

My energy levels stayed low until about 30 minutes into my evening job shift.  I'm sure it was because the company was pretty good.  I think this was the very first shift in the year I've been there that was the most relaxed and everyone enjoyed being there even with the lack of willing callers.  As my energy was increasing I really wanted to  just burst out in the middle of the office and do the  Burpees are Forever workout, however I refrained and instead performed some upper body moves as I sat in my cubical taking calls.  I know I was working it, because I was starting to sweat after only 15 minutes.  It gave me loads of energy and the night flew by.  It was fantastic; wish all the shifts were as awesome as tonight.

I was also inspired by a coworker as we were talking about ways she could find ways to inspire her to workout.  One of the things I suggested was for her to schedule her workouts so she knew what time she was going to do it and what workout ahead of time.  It makes it harder to make excuses this way.  With that it inspired me to start using the weekly white board Calendar I bought a few months back from BBB, which has just been taking up wall space.  I decided it would be best used above my bed to remind me what my workout is for the next day and beside it I have a pocket folder where I'm going to store my print outs for each workout that week.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to burst out into a workout in public?  do you remember the routine?

daily affirmation
My energy is off the charts!

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daily goals:
* Bed by 10pm finally shut off the lights just after 1am-bad internet
* Read (a few online articles)
* Repeat the daily affirmations
* log all eats and daily workout
* Tomorrow's Workout: At Home Workout by Bodyrock

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a rush worth repeating

Week 4 Tuesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I was doing okay with time this morning, until I started to review today's workout and it took me a few minutes to long to adjust to the exercises and instead of heading to the shower afterward  I decided to go for a 10-minute run.

I really liked the crab toe touch.  It was  a bit of a challenge and you could feel it working your abs.  The dive bomber was something I was unable to do and performed modified push-ups, though now that I think of it; should have subbed cobra into downward dog- next time.  I also messed up on the timer aspect so I only performed 2 rounds instead of 4. 
SCORE: Crab Toe Touch: Mod-Push Ups:
  15/20 9/10

I performed a normal lunge and nixed the jump and the mountain climbers I'm used to.  Man this was pretty intense and wow did my legs hate me about 2 rounds into this combo. 
SCORE:Lunge: Mountain Climber:
  4/4/4/4 10/10/8/8

This set proved a bit of a challenge and needed some modification for the one-leg hot attack.  I performed a normal squat with a assisted (stairs) pike pres and the thigh shrinker exercise was easy to focus on your intensity in so you could really feel it in your abs and thighs.
SCORE: Squat w Asst.: Thigh Shrinker:
  10/10/10/8 9/10/9/10

Around the block: 1.06 miles

City Island Bridge to Kelker st and back: 2.93 miles

The weather was beckoning me to run and I was glad to sneak out before the sun set, because it felt amazing and my flow was set on.  My first mile only took me 9:48 and my second 9:32, which is a huge improvement.   Not sure if it's because of the bodyrock workouts or just a sugar rush from the small piece of red velvet cake I had prior to my run.  Either way I would love to duplicate that rush again and again and again! 

What's your favorite food that fuels you for a run?

* Hot attack Workout: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout
* Strong Core Yoga: 8 minute video
* yoga for bedtime routine just 3 minutes just before bed

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daily affirmation
Thank you, beautiful body, for carrying me through each day 

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daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: rest day
* in bed by 10:30pm and lights out by 11:10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on minus the small piece of red velvet cake.

Monday, August 29, 2011

just wanna run

Week 4 Monday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I had every intention of doing the Burpees are Forever workout this morning until I woke up with a sore back and ended up resetting my alarm to a rest day and slept for another hour.  I wasn't really sure exactly what I did, but sometime around lunch I remembered the punch twists I did on the mini-trampoline after my bodyrock workout yesterday.  There feels like a knot is in my right shoulder blade; right in the middle.

The sun was out after work and I was feeling like a run, but without any running gear I wasn't able to make that a reality.  This has happened more often then I'd like and I should really get back into the habit of having my running gear on hand at all times.   I hoped to head out once I got home, but I  lost all running steam and just changed into my jammies and decided that rest was the best option for my back.  This way I'll be ready for my workout tomorrow. 

Sometimes you have to make adjustments and today my body needed t orest, so I'll just make sure to swap out my next rest day (Wednesday) for today's workout and everything will even out.    

* Burpees are Forever: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout
* 30 minute brisk walk

daily affirmation
I am 100% committed to being the best I can be

Proverbs 10:29
the way of the Lord is strenght for the upright

View Daily Eats
not added

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Hot attack workout by Bodyrock
* in bed by 12pm and lights out by 12:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

animal attraction

Week 3 Sunday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I was up sometime around 7am but wasn’t really motivated, especially hearing the rain fall. It went non-stop for the next several hours as I stayed in bed until I decided to head downstairs  around 9 and made breakfast. Today I decided to have a full bagel with a cup of milk. Although after a few sips of the milk I decided to toss it. I’m not sure why it tasted bad, as it doesn't expire until 04/12 and I just opened it last weekend, but when I went to dump it down the sink their were chunks of soy milk, which makes me feel a lot better about tossing it. I had my typical bagel toppings; pb+chia seeds+ strawberries and had a tall glass of water instead. After I finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen I headed back upstairs with my laptop and book. I played Colbie Caillat in the background while I finished part 1 of my book Scale Down.

The phone rang several hours later, which woke up Pat. So I headed back downstairs to begin making her toast and coffee while she took Punkin (her dog) outside. Once she was ready to head back to her room I let her know I was going back upstairs to read and to let me know if she needed anything. It wasn’t long once I got up that Punkin began to whimper. I assumed it was because Pat was eating and she wanted some toast. She had stopped for a minute and I heard her paws on the wood floor and shortly after she began whimpering again. I decided to get up and see what she wanted. She was sitting at the bottom on the stairs looking up, waiting for me to come get her, so I picked her up and Pat said she was whimpering, because she wanted to come up with me. I took her up and put her on the bed with me and put the gate back up at the entrance of the stairs before getting back into bed to continue my reading. It wasn’t but a few minutes later I was startled by the gate crashing to the floor. At first I thought the wind had somehow blown it down, but then I knew it was KittySpot (the cat) who had pushed it down to get to me. She jumped up on the bed and came right to me wanting my attention. It was several hours that the 3 of us laid on the bed while I read and they slept on this very lazy rainy Sunday.


I’m hoping in an hour or two I’ll have some energy to begin making dinner. I have planned to make homemade tomato soup, but I didn’t bring my fresh tomatoes and my mom had already given away the other bags she had so I ended up using canned tomatoes.

I think if I actually got up and began a workout I would be fine, but it’s getting that initial energy to begin that’s the problem.
I’m thinking a time challenge of
- Reptile on the run
- Super low hop squats
- Explosive star
- Abs crossover crunch up

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* Get outside, breathe some fresh air, play with friends and family, and enjoy your down time. Meditation would be a great choice today.

daily affirmation
I am rocking this fitness challenge!

View Daily Eats
not added

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Burpees are forever by Bodyrock
* in bed by 11pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

scrambled headache

Week 3 Saturday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I was up at 9:20 and headed downstairs to begin a 25 min stretching routine from the Slim-6 series.  However, it proved to be rather difficult to fit stay focused with the follow distractions.
* the dog wanting to join me
* haivng to keep my eye on the dog
* finally getting a lead for the dog to connect him to the house
* the stray yellow cat sneaking in the backyard
* now needing to put the dog back in the house
* trying to finish my stretching outside, but the dog keeps whining.
* now heading inside
* redirecting my stretches in the living room
* trying to keep the dog away from my face so I can focus on my stretches.

Once everything settled I was able to finish and then started breakfast..

After breakfast I began cleaning off a shelf that had a cluster of household cleaners and soda.  It was pretty dirty and in desperate need of sorting.  It took me almost an hour to clear everything out and remove any major chemicals that should be stored in the garage.  Next week my goal is to put together an inventory list to prevent people from buying more of the same product that already has 5 bottles on the shelf.   

I didn't realize until after I was done how much chemicals I had taken in from sorting everything and felt a little dizzy.  I removed myself from the room and opened the screen door to that room so some fresh air could circulate and then headed outside for a few minutes to help clear my head. 

Around 4pm I started dinner and then headed out to the store so I could pick up some nail polish remover and a new headlight for my car.  I needed the nail polisher remover so I could get the super glue off my fingers.  A ceramic girl-doll napkin holder had been broken, both the head came off and the girl from the base.  I managed to get the head on without getting any glue on my fingers, but added to much to the base and we didn't have any at the house.  While I was out I headed to the dollar store and picked up a few minor things and then  made a pit stop to Giant where I grabbed some Extra Firm Tofu and 2 movies (Arthur and Yogi Bear).  

When I got home I put in the movies and asked the lady from Huntingdon if she wanted to watch them with me, so we grabbed a seat on the couch and  allowed the TV to be our entertainment for the next few hours before heading off to bed.

* Sexy Fit Beast by Bodyrock
   Bodyrock Time Challenge

* View Daily Workout

daily affirmation
I only send loving thoughts to my body

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daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Rest Day. Go outside
* in bed by 10:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were good, except the nutter butter bits & the mike n ikes.

Friday, August 26, 2011

silly press

Week 3 Friday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
By 5:20 this morning I was ready to begin the day with a natural awakening.  No alarm required today!  Though that doesn't mean I actually started my day then so for the next 15 minutes I laid in bed and enjoyed the peace.  After a few stretches I settled on a pair of pink shorts and a sports bra for my workout and headed out to the porch.

Yesterday evening I took some time to review Crazy Home Bootcamp and was frightened.  I'm sure it's a really awesome workout, but not one I'll be experiencing this morning.  The moves were pretty advanced and required more time to prep, which I just didn't have so I took advantage of the simple yet challenging Body like a Carry Out routine from Monday I missed.

This particular challenge was an interval workout set for 12 rounds of 10 second and 50 second intervals, but instead adjusted it to be a time challenge.   I wasn't sure the number of reps to perform so I reviewed the scores posted and decided 10 reps each would be a good number.  The first round seemed easy, but as I moved closer to the finish  I was also slowing down and glad that I was only doing 10.

I felt pretty silly trying to perform the Pike Press-Pike Jump-Jump Up, because my press and jump are still pretty wimpy so after 2 rounds I decided to accept that for now this  move will require modification.  So until I built up my strength I will be using the steps, which helped greatly in keeping my balance allowing me to focus on proper form and muscle use.

The forward/backward lunge was another toughie for me.  Man it really works those legs and it doesn't take long before you feel the burn so it was a definite push for me to finish strong.  In my number I counted one forward + one backward lunge as 1 rep, and Zuzana counts each lunge as 1 so technically I performed 40 each round.

* Crazy Home bootcamp by Bodyrock
   12 minute Bodyrock interval (sandbag optional)

* If you have time, you can also do a free 20 minute Yoga Download class.
  You could try this 20 minute Jivamukti class.

* Body like a Carry Out by Body Rock, time challenge
* Post walk/short sprint, to stretch out my legs.

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daily affirmation
The universe/life/god is always supporting me & encouraging my growth.

View Daily Eats
not added

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Sexy Fit Beast by Bodyrock
* in bed by 10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were good, except the box of kashi cookies I ate on my way out of town. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

a morning stretch

Week 3 Thursday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I can't tell you how glad I was this morning knowing that it was a rest day, especially because my muscles were so sooorrrre from the totally fantastic and so worth it workout I stayed in bed while performing a few stretches with my elastic bands only because I was so exhausted I didn't have the energy to get out of bed yet.  I thought having 8 hours of sleep I would wake up clearer, but  I also woke up twice during the night which I know didn't help the feeling of exhaustion this morning.  I've been working hard this week and was particularly hoping they would cancel the shift for tonight when the rainstorm came in this morning; however, it's cleared up to be a beautiful day.

I managed to make it through my evening job thanks to the ladies on either side of me.  They really helped the time to fly by.   Sometime before break I was able to put together my schedule for next week, which was pretty sparce considering the shifts they had available.  I felt a little bad, telling myself that I should work Monday night since I have other events set for Tuesday and Thursday, but then I remembered that I'll be in Huntington working job #3 and then I stopped feeling bad. 

After work I had decided to turn down hanging out with some friends who were gathering for a birthday celebration, but I was so exhausted from working this week that I really just needed to head  home so I could rest.  Plus, I still needed to pack for my job this weekend and clear out a few things from my car that I hadn't gotten to this week.  Luckily and a little shocked that it didn't take me long I was glad to crawl into bed and turn out the lights by 10pm. 

* 15-min favorite stretches or yoga poses.
   Stretch deeply, holding each one for a full minute.
   Breathe deeply and allow your body to relax into each stretch.

* You can also take a gentle walk, bike ride, do some more yoga, dance to a few
   songs, or just be active in your daily activities like cleaning and gardening
   if you like, but keep it gentle.

daily affirmation
I am so grateful to have the ability to move my body each day. 
I am so lucky!

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daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Crazy Home Bootcamp by Bodyrock
* in bed by 9:45pm and lights out by 10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on. did have a 2nd cup of coffee before 5pm

3 week Strong is Sexy Challenge Review

Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge Reivew
Week 3 Thursday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I can't believe I've held strong for almost 4 weeks now.  This is truly remarkable, more really because it's a home workout program.  I rarely missed a workout at the gym, even during the winter.

Things I like about this challenge:
  • feeling pretty awesome & strong
  • loving the change
  • the exercises are challenging
  • shorter more intense workouts
  • saving gas & time to drive to the gym
  • Saving $ on a gym membership
  • no equipment needed
  • eating less meals.  I've cut down to 5, instead of 6

I'm not sure exactly if there have been in body mass or dimension changes since I chose not to do any pre-challenge measuring, because the point  of this challenge was to help to stay active and healthy this summer.  I thought about doing a measure just to see where I'm at, but slightly afraid to because it may deter me from completing the challenge.  I know that it's made a difference in the way I eat and workout and that's really enough motivation for me to continue on with it.  One of the things I've been trying to change about my eating habits is eating smaller portions and only 5 times a day instead of 6.  6 really is just far to many meals for me and I find that that I'm content after meal #5.  I do consume a hefty breakfast and after 3 weeks I've yet to be tired of it.  


I can really see myself becoming a bodyrocker for life! I highly recommend trying Zuzana's workouts, especially if you don't have much space or don't want to spend money on a huge workout studio or a gym membership.  I can picture myself when I move into my first home sneaking in some of the exercise equipment Zuzana uses in my workout room.  I'm pretty sure I'll be investing in the boss timer and sandbag.

How are you doing in your workout challenge goals? Do you feel like your seeing a good change in your healthy lifestyle habits? What has helped you stay motivated during your workout challenge?

blogs to share

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 3 Wednesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
This morning was a time challenge w the option to use a sandbag.  since I'm only beginning the bodyrock workouts I've not yet invested in any of the equipment, but I love that Zuzana gives you modification's so you still finish strong, yet it was definitely a challenge.

warm up: 5-min run
6:17 min (0.57mi) 70 cal

* Sexy Body Breakdown by Bodyrock.
   View Daily Workout

Rounds Suggested: 10
Rounds Completed: 8

Backward Lunge Knee 12-15 reps
Dynamic squat: 12 reps
Dynamic push-up (had to do modified): 8-12 reps

Total Time: 15:15:90

Cool Down Walk + stretching:
11:49 min (0.69mi) 62 cal

* After rep 8 on the Backward lunge knee as I had to regroup my balance.
* The dynamic pushups were more advanced, so I simply did modified pushups
* I was definitely pretty tired after the end of this routine
* The dynamic squats were my favorite exercise in this routine.

I love the way working out makes me feel!


What's your favorite exercises or routine?  How does it make your feel when you've finished?

daily affirmation
I am a sexy, hot, radiant god/dess!

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daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: REST DAY. 15-min of favorite poses
* in bed by 9:45pm and lights out by 10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on.  Minus the extra coffee at Job #2

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

not so clear

Week 3 Tuesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I didn't really want to get out one of my old workout dvds, so I just put together a 30-minute routine from my Biggest Loser 2 DVD workout this morning.  As much as I liked the Power Sculpt for Women 10-min workout, I'm not sure I'm a fan of the total workout.  Mainly, because they require you to have other equipment and don't offer any modifications if you don't have a medicine ball.  I'm sure I would have been fine if I would have thought about the modifications, but I wasn't ready to think about that so early in the morning.

* an old DVD Workout or an activity you enjoy for 30 to 60 minutes
* repeat your daily affirmation in the shower.

My workout consisted of:
1) 5-minute warm up
2) 15-min. boot camp
3) 10-min Power Sculpt for Women
4) 5-min cool down

You can do all the routines above without any equipment, except the boot camp, which requires hand weights, a medicine + exercise ball all of which I don't have.  I do have a resistance band and if I were more prepared this morning I could have subbed some of the routines, but I just wasn't that awake to think that clear.

daily affirmation
I am a sexy, hot, radiant god/dess!

View Daily Eats

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Sexy body breakdown by Bodyrock
* in bed by 9:45pm and lights out by 10:15pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on, except the extra coffee I had at job #2

saved by the bank

Today I came face to face with a realization that I had not fully laid down my desire for this house as my heart sunk to the floor after viewing the words
status: off market.

I was viewing new listings sent by my realtor and had opened up my trulia icon link (truila and zillow  have been very helpful, because their information is more home-buyer friendly ind typically include more photos), but it's also directly linked to "my favorite: house four" (see journey to my first place) so I stay focused on my dream and why I'm working so hard in the  next 60 days .  However, today was not one of those inspirational days as those 3 ugly words stared right at me as the page loaded, causing me to forget how to breath.

It's hard to remember sometimes, especially when your heart is so set on a dream to truly let it go, because without first laying down your desires God will be unable to fill you with His, which from experience is far better and more satisfying then anything I'd ever imagined.

Once I was able to regroup I called my Realtor to hear it straight from him.  He called me back once he spoke with the listing agent and to my relief, the listing has been temporarily removed for the next 30-60 days.  The owners have chosen to go forward with a full foreclosure now that the price has been lowered significantly.  During this time the bank will take full ownership of the property and will be setting up an appraisal and inspection before re-listing. 

I'm believing that this is God's way of showing me that this house has been reserved for me, because now no one can make an offer while the bank is performing their inspections and appraisals, which leaves plenty of time for me to have everything I need.  You can be sure that I'll still be checking up on the property on a regular basis and as soon as the status has changed I'll be calling my Realtor to write up the contract.   
I'm also believing that the bank is going to re-list it at a lower price point.

I'm pretty confident that I'm blessed, because He is the way, the truth and the light of my life and with Him I will walk and not stumble as He leads me down the path of righteousness.

Monday, August 22, 2011

beauty in strength

Week 3 Monday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
After such a long and draining weekend I choose not to do my morning workout  in hopes that it would be better to rest up for the long week.  Plus, it meant that I was able to begin a load of laundry and put away what was left on my drying rack from last week.

There is so much going on this week, but I'm not going to let that deter me from my workout challenge.   I need to update my journal with this weeks routines and daily affirmations so I stay positive and focused.  I know I'm getting stronger and the proof is in the results and I don't want to stop now.

As far as work goes, I hope I have the strength of super woman, so I can manage though all the hours.  I do plan on only working 2 nights at my evening job instead of 3, so I can have a little more time to pack and re-energize after/before going down to Huntington for the weekends.  I want to earn money for my new home and this is the only way I can so I just have to keep picturing myself walking into my new home and knowing that it's only short term.


* Body like a carry out: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout
* 10 to 20 minutes of:
  - jogging/brisk walking intervals
  - jumping intervals of full bouncing/relaxed bouncing on your mini trampoline.

* I was hoping to sneak in this workout in the evening, but after running all my errands and my chiropractor appointment it was time for bed.

daily affirmation
The power within me grows stronger every day

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daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: body like a carry out by bodyrock
* in bed by 10:40pm and lights out by 11pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were very good today.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

oh so enticing peppermint

Week 2 Sunday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
Today I was good and kept to the Active Rest Day, which was about as much energy as I had for the day.  I was up early and took my dogie for a walk around the pond, then came in and made a start right smoothie for my mom and I before we tacked the kitchen.  It was pretty disorganized so I worked on dishes and clearing/wiping down the counter tops while my mom separated the veggies and vacuumed.   I slept pretty good for not sleeping in my own bed, but I'm sure it helps that it's peaceful up here in the mountains.  Though once we finished with the kitchen I was pretty tired, so I headed up stairs for a nap. 

After my nap I took my dogie, Bane, out for a walk.  He's been stuck in the kennel for the last two weeks so he was SO EXCITED to be outdoors this weekend.  I only took him to the next driveway and back, which was about 1.16miles.  I'm so proud of him, because he's a fat dogie mainly because he's been stuck in the kennel a lot due to my mom's work schedule.  However, this will change once I get my house and he wont need to be at the Kennel and I'll be able to walk him more often.  p.s. I call him my dogie, but he's really my moms.

* Meditation unless you count my nap :)
* Rest Day: Get outside, breathe some fresh air, play with friends and family, and enjoy your down time
* Walk 1.16 miles

daily affirmation
I choose to see the gifts in my life.
They are everywhere in and around me

This affirmation rings so true for me, as I really am blessed with so many wonderful gifts/people in my life.

I had a yummy start right smoothie for breakfast + a banana and pb, but then snacked on 3 mini peppermint patties during the day and then had some cereal and meatloaf, steamed cauliflower and Italian bread from the bakery for dinner.  Plus, I consumed 2 purple Gatorade and a glass of oj.  I didn't really drink much water.

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: body like a carry out by bodyrock
* in bed by 11pm and lights out by 11:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal

Friday, August 19, 2011

a pebbled dilemma

Week 2 Friday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I chose today to skip my workout in order to say goodbye to  the beautiful patio set (pictured below) I bought at TJ MAXX.  I  picked it up the day after viewing the 2-bedroom apartment on Trindle, but at this point I don't know where I'm moving and there are just to many uncertainties.  It seemed easy return it and have my card balance be zero or keep it and take focus off saving for my down payment.  I went back and forth for a little over a week and finally sat down with my grandmother who helped me find the courage to return it.

I was pretty nervous, mainly because I really wanted the credit back on my card and since I'd never tried to return furniture before I wasn't sure their would be any snags and even though I still had 3 days before my 30 days were up.  It wasn't until they asked me for my card to credit my return and I signed the return slip that I felt such a sign of relief.  It was a success!  A victory Day!  and a learning experience. 

What did I learn?
Not  to purchase anything for my first home without first living in my new space.
* Suicidal Sweat: a Bodyrock time challenge
* 10 to 20 minutes (or more) of your choice of cardio

Do you have any decisions you've made lately that your glad for the outcome?

daily affirmation
I stand tall and move with grace


View Daily Eats
mashed potatoes; not the best idea of the day.

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Pilates Beginner Video by Blogilates
* in bed by 12pm and lights out by 12:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

beautifully made

Week 2 Thursday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
It was an hour over my goal bed time last night when I finally turned out the lights, but I really needed to pep talk from my mom.  I've been stressing a bit the last few days, since I found the house I want to buy, but I'm a few bucks short of being able to make an offer and just feeling like I may not get there.  We talked for a while and came up with a game plan, so now I'll be working the next few weekends to help better my chances of attaining my goal of being a homeowner and I'm feeling very confident that it's going to happen very soon. 

I decided to make up my workout from Tuesday today and put on a pair of black capri's and a sports bra and headed out for a run.  I was only planning on being out for 30 minutes, but ended up being out just under 40.  I was able to go a little further and only took 2 walk breaks 1) to re.energize and 2) when I headed up the very large hill.  I still haven't been able to talk myself into running up this very steep grade.  During my run I was a little frustrated with my headband.  For a non-slip hold it didn't do very well since it fell off twice. 

My workout attire for this challenge has been very minimal as most off the workouts I've done either on the porch or in my room, so there really isn't a need to try to look cute, or wear a ton of layers, especially since you sweat like crazy with these workouts.  Today I debated for a second if I should put on a shirt , but opted for just the sports bra and surprisingly it wasn't to bad.  It's actually been a goal of mine to be so fit that I feel comfortable enough to just wear a pair of shorts and a sports bra, but I'm not 100% as  I'm not quite there with the shorts.

It's been invigorating completing these workout challenges and I've started seeing and feeling a difference in my body.   My abs and legs feel firmer and I'm feeling fantastic.  I can't wait to see how I feel and look once I complete this challenge. 

* Amp up your cardio today.
   Go to a fun dance class, jog, walk, bike, rebound, hike or whatever movement
   you love to do for 30 to 60 minutes. Whatever you do, make sure you are
   sweating. If you’re not, work a bit harder until the sweat starts running.
* 20 push ups (take as long as you need using correct form)
* 20 crunches
* 20 star jumps

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daily affirmation
I live in awe and curiosity at the wonder of my bod

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not added

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Suicidal Sweat by bodyrock
* in bed by 12pm and lights out by 12:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on.

Here are two links I came across yesterday that I want to check out:
* Cake Suite: Liked the logo and website design
* Body Beautiful: This is a conference to help women feel more confident.

journey to my first place

My life is pretty amazing, considering where my life was just a year and a half ago.  You would never know that I was worried about my financial standing and unable to pay any of my bills.  On April 1, 2009, yep April Fool’s Day, I was let go from my job as an Interior Designer.  This was the start of my transformation journey….

I had moved back to Pennsylvania in January of 2010 after being unemployed for 9 months and finally found employed through a temp agency when I came home to visit in November of 2009.  It was not my first choice to move back here, but every step felt like I was going in the right direction.  After taking this job it became evident that even though I was working I was still unable to catch up on all of my expenses and was determined to find a part time job.  I applied for a total of 3 jobs within a weeks time and was hired for 2 of them.  Yep, after not having any job I now had 3 and even though it meant sacrificing my Saturday's and working almost 60 hours every week I knew it was a blessing and that it would give me freedom in the long run. I made several spreadsheets to track my progress and keep me focused.  Sunday's were my day to rest and re-energize.  Every time I was paid I immediately deposited it and made a check out to the next bill that was on my spreadsheet and before I knew it I had caught up on all my bills and even started paying down my debt.  By having the separate paychecks it made it easy for me to use it for my bills instead of keeping it tucked in my checking account ready for me to spend it on something that wasn't going to move me forward in my goal.  

I am so proud of where I am today and I am so close to being at zero with my debt.  I have 3 cards left all with very little balances.  
was supposed to be paid off on the 5th, but I keep running into speed bumps.  It was supposed to come out again on the 19th, but it still hasn't debited.  This is my largest card left and I really want it be be ZERO so my credit score will improve so I can benefit from the higher score. 
is a very tiny balance of $60, which will be paid off next week once T-Mobile finally returns the money they owe me.  
is a TJ MAXX card that I used to buy a patio set that I am returning  on the 19th.  Hopefully, there will be no complications and I'll receive my full-money back refund and not a store credit.  

So by the end of this month I will have no credit card debt!!!  It's so worth every sacrifice I had to make in the last year just to have the feeling of knowing I am free of this debt and I can finally start enjoying living in today.  It's also been exciting watching my credit score increase thanks to CreditKarma, a free credit score program available for free online.    I joined in July this year and my score was 666. They send you reminder emails every few weeks to update your score and I received one last week.   When I signed on and hit  update score it INCREASED!! I know have a 671 score! It's still Fair, but it's going up and that's all that matters.

the apartment life isn't for me
I had been searching for apartments for several months and was not able to find any place that I truly wanted to call home.  There was one thing or another wrong with each apartment that was such a downer.  The apartment layout was great, but the kitchen was so tiny or the lack of parking, etc.   There wasn't one that really stood out to me, until I saw a for rent sign along Trindle and immediately I pulled over and called the number.  The lady gave me information about the place and that it would be ready for viewing in a week.  My mom was in town and I decided to take her for a drive there so she could see the grounds and location and it was pretty awesome that same night we were able to view the apartment.  The lady seemed very nice, but also very particular.  She was looking for someone who would fit into her little apartment community and was committed to stay there for the long hall as the lease terms were a minimum of 2 years.  It was a beautiful remodeled apartment on the first floor and  was so excited to find something so well laid out, minus the especially small bedrooms.   

We looked at the apartments on Friday and I had been even more excited about the apartments after seeing the interior, however, there was so much paperwork she required that it felt like I was  getting ready to buy a house.  When Sunday came around I had an easy feeling that even though the apartment was lovely, it was not where I was supposed to call home.  Especially, since there were so many uncertainties with us that seemed to unease the landlord and I knew that I would feel anxious and worried about how perfect I would need to be and that wasn't a way I wanted to live.

I fell off my chair:
A few people had mentioned that I should look into buying a house and inside I laughed, because why would someone let me buy a house with how my credit history has been the last few years.  I eventually caved to the idea and posted an inquiry about a Realtor someone recommended on my fb page.  I had a few people who respond and I took the initiative to call the Realtor who then recommended me to a broker  who could pre-qualify me.  I struggled internally when I was talking to the broker, because I so felt like looking into buying was a waste of time my and the brokers time.  However, after gathering all the information he needed to run the number I almost fell of my chair when he told me I pre-qualified for 100k.   I couldn't believe it, who would have thought that I would be allowed to even qualify for any loan amount, but God was showing me His favor.  He knew what I needed to do with me so I could be ready for where He wanted me now.  He took the time to walk me through and light a fire under me and I'm thankful for that.

house hunting:
Since being approved I've been reviewing listings online that my realitor has been sending me and sending him feedback on the one's I liked.

Last Saturday he took me to view a few of my favorite listings.
Adams St: house one
I liked the exterior, kitchen and living area of this house, but the backyard, bedrooms and attack left me thinking how much money needed to go into this place.

Green St: house two
This house was nothing less than exquisite, until you walked outside.  The neighborhood was very dirty and my adjoining neighbors were just o close.  The yard needed a lot of work, which I was fine with that, but the house lacked central air and open parkingand it was already at the top of my budget.

N. 5th St: house three
This house was so adorable and just enough space for two, but after seeing the other larger homes I was leaning more towards a 3 or 4 bedroom.  Though the neighborhood was nicer, it was not enough to make living across from a school with the basketball court and child playground was facing my house.  

my favorite: house four
I will refrain from posting any photos right now, as this is the one I want to make an offer on, but am financially unable to for at least 30 days when I can secure half of my down-payment.  I am very excited about this house as it has a large country kitchen, laminate wood floors in the living and dining room, 4 bedrooms and 1.5 baths.  As a bonus it has a back yard that wont overwhelm me, a large deck to do yoga and have amazing bbq's on, a shed and central air.  This house is at the top of my budget, but it's pretty much move in ready and their aren't any changes I would make, well other than putting in a garage.

At this point I just have to wait and hope that if this house is for me that it will still be available in 30 days and possibly a few thousand less then it is now. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

race against the clock

Week 2 Wednesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I had a minor set back this morning when my alarm didn't go off, but luckily I woke up at 6:45am which gave me just enough time to sneak in my bodyrock workout before having to hit the showers.  It  was nice to be fully awake and not having to push myself out of bed before getting ready to workout .  I even slept in my workout attire & set up my yoga mat and notebook last night, which helped in saving some time.   I realized  last night before going to bed that I left my phone charger at work and my battery was pretty low.  I  was hoping their was enough juice left to last till I got to work today, but it drained before sometime in the middle of the night and I totally spaced and didn't set my clock alarm.    

I think if I'm going to continue doing bodyrock workouts I'll be investing in a gymboss timer, because it's just easier.  The Tabata timer is nice, but it's hard to do the 10/10 second intervals back to back without hearing stop/go and it's a little confusing.

I was having difficulty staying balanced for the side plank knee touch,  so I eliminated the knee touch.  Next time thinking about doing Straight Leg Pull Up instead.

The prisoner sit ups proved to be very difficult to perform with proper form, as I kept plopping down on the ground instead of a slow flow so I decided on sit ups instead.  I kept my legs flat on the ground & my hands behind my head for a little challenge.  Though after finding sling sit ups (picture below) today I think I would prefer to use that as a substitute for the next time, especially since it also incorporates my arms.

* Amazing abs: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout
* 7 minute yoga video (this is wonderful post Bodyrock!).

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daily affirmation
I am courageous, confident and capable


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daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Active Rest Day
* in bed by 11pm and lights out by 11:10pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on. I did eat one extra snack/meal.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

a delicous season

Week 2 Tuesday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I opted to skip my workout today and just enjoy it as a rest day.  I've just been out late and pretty active the last week and just thinking about this week is making me tired.  I'll be working 3 jobs and so I  thought this would be a good time to take advantage of rest.  For dinner tongiht I'm meeting up with a meet up group I'm involved in for dinner.  I'm really looking forward to it.

* Amp up your cardio today.
   Go to a fun dance class, jog, walk, bike, rebound, hike or whatever movement
   you love to do for 30 to 60 minutes. Whatever you do, make sure you are
   sweating. If you’re not, work a bit harder until the sweat starts running.
* 20 push ups (take as long as you need using correct form)
* 20 crunches 
* 20 star jumps

daily affirmation
My body easily supports me to do everything I please!

Proverbs 8:33-35
For blessed are those who keep my ways.
Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it.

For whoever finds me finds life.
And obtains favor from the Lord

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I chose the Fresh Asparagus and Black Shitake Mushroom Stir Fry in Garlic Brown Sauce, w Chicken (not pictured) which was seasoned with delicious thai flavor.  I chose the homemade brown rice (pictured below)., which was very good.  Though to truly enjoy this dish you need to blend the vegetables / rice / garlic brown sauce to really taste the delicious yumminess that envelopes this dish.  Chalits Thai Bistro in Mechanicsburg  is a restaurant I would visit again and again so you can try another dish and with their affordable prices and healthy portions you don't have to feel guilty about enjoying every last bite.  It was actually a little shocking  at first when I saw how small the portion was, because most restaurants give you more then  you need or even want to consume at once.  It was just the right amount to fill full and content.
image source / Chalits Thai

daily review:
* read Scale Down part of ch. 8 pg 115-123 (20 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Amazing Abs
* in bed by 10pm and lights out by 10:48pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were pretty on.
  Had Thai food for dinner, which was very tasty and healthy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

sexy is pain

Week 2 Monday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
Another killer & sweat worthy workout by Zuzana.  I actually completed all 3 rounds, but I did need to make a few adjustments.  I hope that by the end of this 4-week challenge I wont need to make any mods in order to perform the exercises properly. and get the most benefit from the workout  I had a lot of fun with Reptile on the Run, especially when I was able to really get my ab muscles set to work.  The One Leg Squat (video) was very hard for me, so I subbed them for regular squats.  I can squat down like that in my wedges with no problem, but I haven't been able to master it in flat shoes.

post workout sweat

* Sexy is Pain: 12 minute Bodyrock interval workout (let’s see if “sexy” and “pain” really go together? icon wink Strong Is Sexy ) plus 10 to 20 minutes of jogging/brisk walking intervals. If you are wiped out from the Bodyrock workout, just take an easy walk to stretch out.

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Warm up: 5 minute run outside
Post Run: 10 minute run

daily affirmation
I am perfect exactly as I am

Proverbs 3:26
For the Lord will be your confidence
And He will keep your foot from being caught.

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Amp up your Cardio
* in bed by 12pm and lights out by 12:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were almost spot on.
  The peach yogurt had to much sugar and upset my stomach. 

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meals planned for this week: 
Because I'm working 3 jobs this week I decided it was best to have quick-short meals so that way I don't feel so overwhelmed with everything. 
* coffee 
* 1/2 bagel + pb + chia + strawberries
* scrambled eggs

* Cottage Cheese
* Pineapple chunks

* (1) P.F. WW Oatmeal Bread toasted
* Bowl of Soup

* Banana
* pb

* protein Shake
* red delicious apple

Sunday, August 14, 2011

hold the mayo

Week 1 Sunday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
I woke up early enough to just relax for a short time before meeting my fit foodies group at 10am.  We met at Panera and ordered some yummy breakfast.  I went with the Power Breakfast, which included bread+ham+egg+cheese, but I opted for no cheese and had a side of fruit salad.  It was very filling and just what I needed.  We spent the next few hours discussing how we've been staying active and some of our struggles and really working on loving who we are, body and all.  It was a very good discussion and we were able to make a few adjustments to our current events and add in a few new ones. 

Afterward, I headed home to make a clean eating brocolli salad, though I could have done without the mayo.  I would definitely make this again, but I'll be subbing Greek Yogurt.  I don't really use mayo anymore and I've used it even less since I started eating Greek Yogurt.  It's far tastier and healthier to.

image source: The Joy of Clean Eating Blog

The only active thing I did today was play Frisbee and I don't really count that since I barely moved from my spot. The day whispered rest day for me so I just enjoyed the beautiful day with good friends.

* Active Rest Day
Take a walk, bike ride, do some yoga, dance to a few songs, or just be active in your daily activities like cleaning and gardening, but keep it gentle. If you are a more regular or advanced exerciser, feel free to do some other cardio of choice but don’t overdo it.

daily affirmation
I think healthy thoughts

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Sexy Pain Workout
* in bed by 12pm and lights out by 12:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were only good at breakfast 

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I wasn't very good at repeating my affirmation and didn't eat much of anything good today.  I had Mexican slaw for dinner along with a small brownie and vanilla ice cream. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

a medjool morning

Week 1 Saturday
Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
Aw, thank God it's Saturday.  It's been a challenging week and I'm so glad to almost be done with my first week of this challenge.  If you don't count the modifications I needed for some of the exercises I've done an excellent job.  The positive is that I got up and actually completed my workouts even when I wanted to just sleep in.

This morning I was able to take my time & enjoy my morning cup of coffee before starting my workout since I didn't have to be anywhere until noon. I  decided against the Yoga video and opted instead  for an run outdoors.  I did spend sometime before hand filing some of my fitness papers, which needed to be done.  I'm very glad to not have a pile of papers sitting on my floor.

I chose not to eat any breakfast before my run only because I thought I wouldn't have sufficient time for it to digest, but later wished I would have eaten since it was an hour and a half later when I finally got outside.  I felt really nauseous with nothing in my stomach other than a medjool date and could have gone for a pb and banana for breakfast for fuel.  I managed even on an empty stomach to successfully complete 3 miles in only 35.14 and then finished with a 10-minute Power Scult for Women + 5-minute cool down workout by the Biggest Loser 2 dvd.  It was actually pretty intense and my legs were hating me during and after this workout and I felt amazingly proud of myself after finishing.  

Once I hit the showers I realized it was just after 11am and that I needed to put a rush on my primping  if I was going to be in enola by noon.  I was embarking on my first official day of house hunting today (more on that in another post) and we had several places to check out so I didn't want to be late.  

* Yoga Class or download a free 20 minute Vinyasa Yoga session.

* 20 minutes of sun salutations + favorite yoga or stretching poses.
* 10 minute jumping session on a mini trampoline or a 10 minute min fast walk.

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daily affirmation
With each passing day, I am stronger, fitter and sexier!

daily review:
* read Scale Down ch. 0 pg 00-00 (00 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Active Rest Day
* in bed by 10pm and lights out by 10:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were on target until meal #4.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Crunch Up

Week 1 Friday
I almost allowed myself to sleep in to the point of missing my workout, but I kept thinking about the donut and nachos I ate yesterday and knew that if I didn't do my workout this morning I would be very unhappy with myself.  I'm learning that it's okay to eat these types of foods every so often, but I have to work for them.  If I"m going to eat them then I need to workout, NO EXCUSES.  It was 6:50 when I got up and immediately turned on my laptop while I changed into some basic workout wear.  I needed to review the video again before starting since Zuzana didn't  post pictures for this routine. 

I'm still pretty new to these exercises and not as strong so I  needed a few modification.  I really liked this routine and loved how fun and challenging it was.  The Knee Tuck, Leg Lift, Kick Up on One Leg was a really sweet move, but I need to work on the Knee Tuck part.  The Super Low Hop Squats were super fun and I think my favorite so far.  This move really helps to wake you up, keep you focused and even manages to put a smile on your face.  The Cross Over Crunch Up was pretty sweet, because it 's one that requires slower contraction of the muscles so you can really focus on using your abs for the crunch up.

* 3 sets instead of 5
* Completed in 15 minutes
* Tummy Tuck for Grab the Knee Plank 
* skipped 10 minute Yoga due to not enough time

Tummy Tuck     

Strong is Sexy Fitness Challenge  
* Tone, Trim & Tight a bodyrock time challenge
* 10 min Weight Loss Yoga Video

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daily affirmation
I effortlessly achieve my goals

Proverbs 7: 2
Keep my commands and live,
and my law as the apple of your eye.

Proverbs 7:25
Do not let your heart turn aside her (sin) ways,
Do not stray into her paths;

daily review:
* read Scale Down rest 7 + part ch. 8 pg 87-114 (42 minutes)
* Tomorrow's Workout: Yoga Class or 20-minute Yoga download
* in bed by 10pm and lights out by 10:30pm
* repeated the daily affirmations throughout the day
* noted my workouts and meals in my journal
* eats were totally on.

post workout photo

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